REFLECTIONS | London, Anna Steinhouse Fine Art Studio

The London debut exhibition by International Contemporary Artist Group (ICAG) is a captivating showcase of diverse artistic talent, offering profound explorations of the relationship between nature and humanity.

Nelson Ferreira’s “The Exiled”, acrylic gouache on paper, is a swirling study in chiaroscuro. As you gaze upon it, you are drawn into its depths, taking a few moments before the swirls resolve into a portrait. Ferreira’s work exists on the precipice of the abstract and figurative, posing interesting questions about our own subjectivity.

Equally enchanting is Vivi Ximenes’s work, which introduces delightful color pairings and meditative organic textures. Her work carries an ethereal quality that encourages viewers to immerse themselves in the soothing embrace of her compositions.

A delightful surprise within the exhibition is the work of Frank Lipman, whose pencil drawing exudes a childlike, yet sophisticated charm. His portrayal of the human form exudes positivity and an appreciation for its limitless possibilities. Lipman adds a touch of whimsy and warmth to the collection. Another surprise comes with Anna Steinhouse’s “Magic Touch” — a warm portrait depicting two hands locked in a tender embrace.

One cannot help but be enthralled by the magical effect of Lucille Dweck’s “Wonder in the Water”. Thick, impasto brushstrokes melt into a hyper-realistic illusion as you step away from the canvas: it’s a wonder. The illusion and materiality of the paint seem to be in conversation with one another, provoking us to reflect on our own positionality within our own context and environment.

“Reflections” at Anna Steinhouse Fine Art Studio is a true celebration of art’s power to connect us with nature and foster global collaboration. The exhibition’s commitment to donating 30% of proceeds to Client Earth, a prominent environmental charity, underscores the importance of responsible stewardship of our environment.

Visit “Reflections” at Anna Steinhouse Fine Art Studio, 16 – 24 September 2023.

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